dimanche 20 décembre 2015

5 Rock Songs that I didn't like before but I really LOVE now

Appearances can be misleading. Just keep your mind open. 

Hey everyone. This year has been crazy. I really mean my words. I have been doing a lot of growing up because I had difficult times. Well, it's not that gloomy because at every difficult time in my life, I have learn to see the good side of it. First, it wasn't simple; but what can I do ? I'm not really the type of girl that ruins people's joy of life. As I always claim it : after all, life goes on (until We die of course :p ). 

Among the things that I learnt this year, is to keep your mind open and give to things a second chance. Forgiveness is very important until they prove that they don't worth it. That's why, I want to talk to you about some songs that I didn't like the first time I have listen to them. There are some songs that I didn't listen to at all and I hated them because I didn't have a good intuition. But guess what?  I WAS WRONG and I'm sorry about that. 

You can enjoy the songs now! 

1- Black From Peal Jam 

2- 10 000 Feet From Wolfmother 

3- Wish you where here From Incubus 

4- Closing time by Semisonic 

5- My Sharona From the Ramones 

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