When Music is not a painkiller...
Well well well... Who said that Music is always a healing ? Truth is sometimes it really is but sometimes, it's definiltly not. Hmm... I can see that it's still doesn't make any sense for you. Let me explain this with a very significatif and non abstract example. Sometimes, when we are sad and lonely, music that we like can "cheer up" our mind. But sometimes, it turns to be on the contrary because it depends on what kind of Music it is.
To me, listining to a Music is like listening to a person. It means that you will follow unconsciensly the rythm and the lyrics expressed by a Music that you are listening to. Mostly, Music can disctract and manipulate people's emotion.... so it's very dangerous ! But let's go back to more important stuff.
Sure, Music is always expressing something : wether it's emotions or ideas. I believe that Music was created for the purpose of expressing ourselves. In fact, Music is a way of communication, way too much different from the others because it's like a violence that breaks the Silence. Words can be also violent but Music is violence for your ears, for your heart and for your soul, wether it was Classic, Rock or Heavy Metal Music.
Since it has got a big impact on Humans, when communication between two people breakdown, it became the only way for conveying the words that wasn't spoken. So Can we call it a "Sweet violence" ? Yeah....Nevermind. Look around you, everything is Made of violence... but sure it's not a good reason for not enjoying or liking a Music. But what could I say to convince you? Maybe enjoying the silence is not a bad idea after all .
Sure, Music is always expressing something : wether it's emotions or ideas. I believe that Music was created for the purpose of expressing ourselves. In fact, Music is a way of communication, way too much different from the others because it's like a violence that breaks the Silence. Words can be also violent but Music is violence for your ears, for your heart and for your soul, wether it was Classic, Rock or Heavy Metal Music.
Since it has got a big impact on Humans, when communication between two people breakdown, it became the only way for conveying the words that wasn't spoken. So Can we call it a "Sweet violence" ? Yeah....Nevermind. Look around you, everything is Made of violence... but sure it's not a good reason for not enjoying or liking a Music. But what could I say to convince you? Maybe enjoying the silence is not a bad idea after all .
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