samedi 26 juillet 2014

4 Reggae Rock songs that express positive messages to yourself

The truth is We are Spirits in a Material World 

Okay, I admit it : It's not Reggae. It's a Ska rythm but it's still got a Reggae influence. But Forget about everything and enjoy the sound of your spirit that is hanging around your soul. I got to say that The Police is a very spirituel band and I just love how their spirit sound thought their songs.  Their album Reggatta De Blanc, in English "White Reggae" held the greatest Reggae Rock songs. Even, the Bed is too big without you ( a song from Reggatta De Blanc) shows that the band is really non-materialist.    

Before acting, think about  "The Time Come Due"

Soldiers of Jah Army (SOJA)  fight the injustice in The Babylong World and defend the Peace in the Time of War. It's not easy to define the music of SOJA. Although it's  rooted in reggae, they do not stop there, and the plurality of their fans reflects this musical diversity. Their music inspires and encompasses all walks of life, without prejudice, it's for everyone and about everything.

But Never forget to don't give up the Fight ! 

Get up Stand Up. I think that Everybody konw the lyrics. Yes, It's totally the most known of Bob Marley's songs. And yes, it was the first that I heard from his. Sure, there are plenty of songs of Bob Marley that express messages. For instance, "No Women no cry , Bad Boys, Redemption song...", the list is very long. Mostly talk about love and freedom. It's not that I don't share his point of view but It will be better with some changes in lyrics. I would Totally like to hear "No Man No cry or something like "Is this Hate" for raising awareness about the Hatred in our world.

If You can't always get what you want because you certaintly don't know what you want...

Even Reggae cover of popular non Reggae Rock songs rules 

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