lundi 28 juillet 2014

Songs For Dancing In the Dark In The Pale Moonlight

Today, it's the full Moon. Tonight, I Will be dancing with the stars in the darkest skies. They say : Stars Can't Shine Without Darkness. For my case, I guess that it's gonna be the same wether I fly or I cry. There's no dark side of the Moon. Tonight they will be only the cool side of the Moon. Tonight, they will be no drama, no problems because on the top on the Moon my thoughts are so clear and I feel so real. That's what keeps me alive.

Do you wanna dance ? Here's a special song about the moon for getting in the mood. Hey Budy, You got to keep it up ....

Let's swim to the Moon.......

What what what ? You don't have to worry Baby. We Gonna Take a little ride down by the ocean side. We gonna get real close. Get real tight. Baby, We gonna drown tonight. We gonna going down  so down....

Never knew that my love is the next best thing to the Moon. You can't see it, but you sure can hear about it. 

samedi 26 juillet 2014

4 Reggae Rock songs that express positive messages to yourself

The truth is We are Spirits in a Material World 

Okay, I admit it : It's not Reggae. It's a Ska rythm but it's still got a Reggae influence. But Forget about everything and enjoy the sound of your spirit that is hanging around your soul. I got to say that The Police is a very spirituel band and I just love how their spirit sound thought their songs.  Their album Reggatta De Blanc, in English "White Reggae" held the greatest Reggae Rock songs. Even, the Bed is too big without you ( a song from Reggatta De Blanc) shows that the band is really non-materialist.    

Before acting, think about  "The Time Come Due"

Soldiers of Jah Army (SOJA)  fight the injustice in The Babylong World and defend the Peace in the Time of War. It's not easy to define the music of SOJA. Although it's  rooted in reggae, they do not stop there, and the plurality of their fans reflects this musical diversity. Their music inspires and encompasses all walks of life, without prejudice, it's for everyone and about everything.

But Never forget to don't give up the Fight ! 

Get up Stand Up. I think that Everybody konw the lyrics. Yes, It's totally the most known of Bob Marley's songs. And yes, it was the first that I heard from his. Sure, there are plenty of songs of Bob Marley that express messages. For instance, "No Women no cry , Bad Boys, Redemption song...", the list is very long. Mostly talk about love and freedom. It's not that I don't share his point of view but It will be better with some changes in lyrics. I would Totally like to hear "No Man No cry or something like "Is this Hate" for raising awareness about the Hatred in our world.

If You can't always get what you want because you certaintly don't know what you want...

Even Reggae cover of popular non Reggae Rock songs rules 

samedi 19 juillet 2014

Top 3 best Happy songs of Lana Del Rey

Lately, I was really suprise to see that actually Lana Del Rey is in the 19th place in the musical artist category on Google Trends. So I decided to write a little something that had nothing to do with her last album that everybody talks about. 

I thought that It was a good idea to look about her best songs. But as you know, Lana isn't what we can call a typical singer. She's hot and very sensitive and also very feminine, but she can be also very depressing. Yes a lot. It seems like every song of her is deadly sad, as she describes of course her self. 

But do you know what ?  I bet that Lana Del Rey is the most happy singer of Hollywood right know. She can't and won't drop this image that she vehicles through her music because it's a part of what she had been through.  Lana Del Rey is happy and this 3 happy songs will prove it. Enjoy. 

National Anthem

Money is the reason we exist. As always, Lana Del Rey is making fun of how money can cost a life, but all this in a very cool and sweet  way...

Summer Wine

A song with Barrie-James O'Neill about love drunkenness effects ( still better than cocaine effects). In time, he was Lana Del rey's Boyfriend....

Meet Me in the Pale Moonlight 

Sometimes, Love is not that mean. It's very rare, so take your chance now...

samedi 12 juillet 2014

3 killing songs that might not kill you if you listen to them

Their common point ? These are the most monstrously good songs that talks about serial killers.... 

First, I dare You To Look Straight in My Blackest Eyes

Then I Will Threw You Out In The Ice and Snow

And Told You, Never Ever Come Back No More

So Now That It's Over. Can't We Just Say Goobye ? 

After the Weerwolf, Vampire and Zombie area, here's come the Serial Killers area. Of course, Serial Killers have always existed and they are more realistic than those mythic creature. But, let's face it : it's a fact, it seems like they are on the trending topics because we are really surrended by monsters that kill people. 

Serial killers don't fascinate me, I find them abhorrent and repugnant. They are really the worst and the most despicable, and vile in the human species. In the same time, they interest me because I always wanted to understand the reasons for their actions. I always wondered why men do evil.  

I am also interested in another area in crimes committed during the Second World War, including the Nazis or more recently, the genocide of the palestinan people in Gaza by the israeli governement. These people often believed that they are entrusted with a task that justified all their crimes. Serial killers are totally fearless and they just don't FEEL anything. They can't keep themselves from wars and fights because they are sick. 

Unlike what we see in movies or read in books, they are not lame or extremely intelligent, cultured and refined, as Hannibal Lecter, the character of "Silence of the Lambs". Serial killers kill only for their own pleasure and for a few seconds of fun. It's their way of seeing the extremely selfish and inhumane world where we live. Most of them have psychological issues : they have suffered in their childhood  but they don't  know how to grow up and overcome these bad memories. 

When they "grow up", they feel the need to chase feelings and emotions. To achieve their goal, they always act cold and very logical and of course they will lie for manipulating people. In the modern world, there is another version of Serial Killers. They kill their victims in a very softly way. Serial Killer will kill every emotion inside of them so that they will remain with no personality. And Guess what ?You know what they say : love is a perfect crime...

samedi 5 juillet 2014

Happiness is playing drums on this song

I Hate Everything About You Drum Cover by Meytal

Three Days Grace was one among my first rock band’s crush when I was a teenager. This band reminds me of a lot of memories, some of them are sad while others are joyful. But it doesn’t matter because their music helps me a lot to keep on digging for brand new rock and metal songs. In the same time,  Three Days Grace aren’t my favorite rock band and won’t be. There are a lot of reasons behind this but it didn’t kept me from listinning to them for two long years.  It’s like when you have your first crush :  you know that someone doesn’t fit you but you can’t stop thinking about him/her. 

vendredi 4 juillet 2014

Le musique est la peinture de nos impressions

Reg'art subjectif sur les grands de la musique 

de Bernard de Souzy 

Exposition à la Villa des Arts de Casablanca

Les peintures parlent d'elles mêmes ....

Les Rollings Stones 

Mick Jagger 

Jim Morisson 

Edith Piaf

Les Beatles 

David Bowie 

Bob Dylan 

Louis Amstrong 

John Lenon 

Jacques Brel 

Et enfin Oum Kaltoum 

Une chanson au nom de Pablo Picasso. Enjoy.

mercredi 2 juillet 2014

La sérénade de Mypollux

Dans mon coffre je t'ai attendu

Avec une robe, des étoiles, et des ciseaux pointus...

Chanteuse, pianiste et violoncelliste d'origine nancéenne, Lucie Lebrun alias Lussi monte le groupe MyPollux avec trois partenaires en 2001. 

Dans l'intervalle, la demoiselle rock enregistre un premier EP solo intitulé Ghillie Dhu, produit par Benja (Benjamin Delacroix) du groupe metal Watcha et sorti en mars 2008. Cette fructueuse collaboration débouche sur la création du duo Lussi in the Sky. Désireuse de percer après une collaboration de guitariste et choriste pour Anaïs, Lucie Lebrun tente de relever un défi en se présentant au casting de l'émission Nouvelle Star en 2009. Le challenge lui réussit puisqu'elle parvient jusqu'aux quarts de finale de la compétition et gagne en popularité.

Forte de cette notoriété, la chanteuse Brune se concentre à nouveau sur le projet Lussi in the Sky. Le 23 mai 2011 sort un premier EP 5 titres comprenant une reprise de « Whole Lotta Love » (Led Zeppelin), clin d'oeil à ses racines hard rock, et quatre chansons originales dans une veine rock enjouée.